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鑫系列第一季 北京大学查说念炯教训系列批驳书册 - 四房色播


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鑫系列第一季 北京大学查说念炯教训系列批驳书册
发布日期:2024-10-31 11:52    点击次数:143



著述目次 鑫系列第一季 


Kim Jong-un Visits Beijing (2018-03-28)


When Trump and Kim Meet, What Will Xi Do?(2018-03-13)

Is American Policy toward China Due for a ‘Reckoning’?(2018-02-15)

US defence strategy is not news to China (2018-02-11)




正  文


发表日历:2018-04-02     著述起首:北大国发院微信公众平台





那么,为什么好意思国还要发起贸易战呢?从国际政事的角度看,一个有劲的解释是好意思国社会对国度在国际上的地位出现了不安的情怀。 70年代末,相当是伊朗东说念主质事件(驻德黑兰使馆被伊朗学生占领,援救行动失败),“好意思国沉静”的情怀启动膨胀。在这种情怀中,日本被以为搭了好意思国的便车。今天也同样,越来越多的好意思国东说念主回来昔日二十年,发现我方的国度用钱出力在中东、阿富汗等地的反恐经由,不仅屡屡受挫,致使越反越恐;而中国在这也曾由中集合元气心灵发展经济,好意思国货品贸易总量被中国跳跃,经济总量束缚被中国靠拢,又一轮危急结识鼓胀好意思国社会。在他们眼中,就大众竞争态势而言,中国天然莫得像当年日本那样搭好意思国的便车,但却钻了好意思国发展历程的空子。










我想用一句话当作总结,“德不孤,必有邻”。 针对来自好意思国的压力,咱们一不可照单全收,二不必举国反击,三无法与他国合纵连横,那么,咱们(第四个弃取)对好意思国作念有限反制,咱们的对外经济政策和国内的涉外经济举措,就必须是恰当追求尽可能多方的利益的最大契约数这个大势。



Kim Jong-un Visits Beijing

A ChinaFile Conversation    March 28, 2018

At the invitation of Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Chinese president, Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), paid an unofficial visit to China from March 25 to 28.

After two days of rumors, on Wednesday March 28, the official news agencies of China and North Korea announced that North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un had just completed a visit to Beijing. The “unofficial visit,” as Xinhua put it, was Kim’s first international trip since assuming power and an apparent surprise to much of the world. Amid much pageantry and with their wives taking part in the visit, Kim and Chinese Communist Party Secretary Xi Jinping both expressed commitment to the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. How should Beijing handle its relationship with North Korea? What does the visit augur for the future of North Korea’s nuclear program? And what does Kim’s meeting with Xi mean for Kim’s potential upcoming meetings with South Korean President Moon Jae-in and U.S. President Donald Trump? —The Editors

Zha Daojiong

Quite conceivably, it was the appointment of the hawk John Bolton as Trump’s National Security Advisor that prompted Kim Jong-un to get on his late father’s rocket-proof train and make the journey to Beijing.

In the context of Trump’s take-no-prisoners approach to trade disputes and other matters, including his handling of the relationships with close U.S. neighbors Mexico and Canada, the North Koreans understandably got a bit nervous.

The timing of Kim’s trip to China leaves room for speculation on all fronts. Official accounts from both Chinese and North Korean sources speak in glowingly positive terms about the visit. Friendship cultivated by the ancestors of current leaders of both countries gets renewed. But if you compare official versions of such visits by Kim’s ancestors, especially his father’s visit, there is not that much that is truly groundbreaking.

With regard to the nuclear issue, it does seem that Kim Jong-un is making clear that he is prepared to see “denuclearization of the peninsula” (emphasis added by me). In the past, news reports, particularly those by Western media outlets, generally leave out reference to the peninsula. It is a mistake that is being repeated again.

Now, reference to the peninsula is where the complication begins. There are two actors in the southern part of the Korean peninsula: South Korea and the United States. Is North Korea expecting the U.S. to agree on and then follow through with a statement about what its military does in the future? For example, what if the United States stations nuclear submarines at the ports in the south?

For China, both North Korea and South Korea are neighbors that cannot move away. During the past year, China went along with the United States—though not exactly 100 percent—in applying economic sanctions on North Korea. It hurts what is normally called “traditional friendship” with the North. But, as Trump’s choice of action showed, China failed to earn much of any appreciation from the Trump White House: Beijing learned about Trump’s agreement to meet Kim from television news.

Kim’s trip to Beijing may generate a couple of days of media interest. But in the end, it is not going to make much of a dent in the dynamics. The drivers of the train of geopolitics on the Korean peninsula continue to be Pyongyang, Seoul, and Washington.

查说念炯: 对特朗普政府通告加征钢铝关税的点评 

发表日历:2018-03-16    著述起首:北大汇丰海上丝路联系中心微信公众平台






When Trump and Kim Meet, What Will Xi Do?

A ChinaFile Conversation    March 13, 2018

Graffiti depicting Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un

On March 8, South Korea’s National Security Advisor announced that Donald Trump had agreed to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un by May. Although now-ousted Secretary of State Rex Tillerson previously downplayed the announcement, a summit between the two men could drastically change U.S. policy in Asia. How does this affect China’s interests in the region? And how would Beijing feel about a Trump-Kim summit? —The Editors 

Zha Daojiong

A Kim-Trump meeting opens a window of opportunity for the international community to shift its hopes away from China taking “responsibility” for North Korea’s nuclear behavior and toward asking Washington to do its fair share.

Under Trump, United States officials adopt an extreme position relative to American security research elites who for decades have argued that recent Chinese success was made in the United States. They argue that Washington aided China by letting it into the World Trade Organization and by using the U.S. Navy to keep the Indian and Pacific oceans open for shipping in and out of Chinese ports.

In exchange鑫系列第一季, Washington exhibits a sense of moral high ground by expecting China to implement North Korea-related policies Washington decides alone or in consultation with Tokyo and/or Seoul.

China was surprised when Trump made North Korea a key topic in his first meeting with President Xi in April 2017. Beijing has long argued that North Korea is a sovereign nation that pursues its own foreign and defense policies.

When Trump called Xi a week later, again over North Korea, it was yet another affirmation of the end of Obama-era strategic patience with Pyongyang. But isn’t Trump’s impatience equally directed at Beijing? Is America’s Korea policy establishment ignorant about the limits of Chinese influence over North Korean behavior?

Viewed from China, North Korea is NOT an area in which the Obama administration failed to act. After all, under Obama, the U.S. deployed to South Korea its military’s most powerful high altitude antimissile defense system (THAAD).

THAAD was the single issue that managed to reverse the goodwill generated between Beijing and Seoul at the start of the Park Geun-hye administration in February 2013. Park was the only head of state from an OECD country to attend the September 2015 military parade in Beijing commemorating the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. The United States successfully lobbied virtually all of its key allies to boycott the parade.

The Kim-Trump meet-up is difficult to forecast. A bit of history is useful. It’s often forgotten that when the U.S. reached an arrangement with Pyongyang in 1994 for North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons program, China was not invited to participate, either in the diplomatic process or in the ensuing aid-for-freeze arrangement under the Korean Energy Development Organization (KEDO) program. The KEDO process stumbled for 10 years, both on the ground and in diplomatic terms. It was only after Pyongyang’s withdrawal from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons in January 2003, marking the complete failure of all preceding efforts, that China was asked to be part of the multilateral effort to entice Pyongyang to change its behavior.

A preferred outcome of the Kim-Trump meet-up would be a lessening of tensions that enabled average Westerners to travel to North Korea to see the society for themselves. First-hand knowledge could help counter-balance the portrayal—with a heavy dose of Western imagination and propaganda—of China’s influence over North Korea.


Is American Policy toward China Due for a ‘Reckoning’?

A ChinaFile Conversation    FEBRUARY 15, 2018

A worker holds a U.S. flag on Tiananmen Square in Beijing ahead of a visit by U.S. President Barack Obama on Nov.16, 2009.

In a February 13 Foreign Affairs essay, former diplomats Kurt M. Campbell and Ely Ratner argue that United States policy toward China, in administrations of both parties, has relied in the past on a mistaken confidence in America’s ability to “mold China to the United States’ liking.” They call for a new U.S. approach to China, one which faces the degree to which China’s actions have diverged from U.S. expectations, discards the notion that economic liberalization would lead China to political openness, and acknowledges China’s failure to acquiesce to an American-led security order. Is Campell and Ratner’s characterization of the shortcomings in the U.S. approach persuasive? What should a newly clear-eyed U.S. policy entail? —The Editors

Zha Daojiong

Prosperity without freedom is just another form of poverty.” That statement in former President Barak Obama’s remarks to the Australian parliament in November 2011, to lay out his case for a ‘pivot,’ rang loud enough for some concerned Southeast Asian observers—privately, of course—to express a sense of exasperation when conferring with us Chinese scholars.

After all, if there is one achievement in which contemporary China can take legitimate pride, poverty reduction is it. Imports from other countries—including raw materials from poor and developing economies—function as a means of poverty reduction more broadly. Yes, there is a whole host of issues, environmental and human rights along the way, but isn’t that a component of the global chain of production in the first place? What was the United States demanding China’s trading partners to choose between?

The level of continuity—both in philosophizing and policy designs— between the Trump Administration’s China strategy and that of the Obama Administration is extremely high. Some observers erroneously point to the withdrawal from the Tran-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as an indicator of major difference. The TPP, not submitted to Congress for ratification, was facing serious domestic obstacles anyway. Along the way, the degree of a China factor therein is very much a subject for academic guess work.

On the China side, President Xi is quoted having observed during his first meeting with President Trump that, “We have a thousand reasons to get China-U.S. relations right and not one reason to spoil the relationship.”

President Xi Jinping talks with his US counterpart Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago state in Palm Beach, Florida, US, April 6, 2017. 

It is not that Americans and Chinese across the board disagree with the wording itself. Real differences exist over who the “we” are, who is doing the “spoiling,” and what is “right.” Well, this is not the first time such differences exist and it sure won’t be the last time either.

No matter how the debate went on the U.S. side, since the re-normalization of diplomatic ties with Washington, China has benefited from having a stable relationship. There can be no question about that.

Now, has China short changed the United States in the process? With the U.S. so firmly committed to keeping Taiwan a separate entity from the mainland, it would be politically suicidal for any Chinese leadership to publicly express gratitude to the United States. When leadership in Beijing emerges through multi-party, competitive and free elections, will the Taiwan issue logically go the American way? Well, some political science textbooks say so. But neither Beijing nor Washington is taking any chance.

Other than the Taiwan issue, it is truly hard for anyone in China to truly justify pursuing a policy towards the U.S.—bilaterally, regionally, or globally—that is confrontational by nature.

China has benefited from being open to influence—designed or not —from the United States. This is an unspoken yet powerful fact, accepted by millions of Chinese, those in the leadership included. There are facets in that influence that China does not accept or will take time to accept. But the notion of China working to upstage the United States is just too fanciful to be taken seriously.

There certainly is an element of competition, which in turn is a useful means against complacency. As a matter of fact, I see the ongoing discussion among American security elites about U.S. policy towards China as a living example of a society that has a long history against complacency. There are useful things for China to learn from such a trait in American civilization.


US defence strategy is not news to China

EAST ASIA FORUM    February 11, 2018

‘China is a disruptive, transitional force in the Indo-Pacific’. So declared United States Pacific Command Admiral Harry Harris at a recent Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) conference in New Delhi. On the same day, United States Secretary of Defense James Mattis unveiled the United States’ new defence strategy in Washington. Thus far Beijing has reacted with a shrug of the shoulder.

Members of Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) take part in the national flag-raising ceremony to mark the New Year in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, 1 January 2018 (Photo: Reuters/Stringer).

It is not difficult to understand the United States’ characterisation of China as ‘disruptive’ — it repeats US insistence on maintaining its own continuous primacy in the regional and global order. Over the past two centuries, the United States has frequently branded aspects of the Chinese civilization as disruptive of its definition of the international order.

What is Harris’s ‘transitional force’ meant to imply? Must the United States now work to set China on a different ‘path of transition’ that is more forcefully conditioned by the United States and its allies? Is China now seen as a force of transition that other states will be required to follow? What exactly is in transition?

The latest US defence strategy document defines China as a ‘revisionist power’ — one that is uncomfortable with the terms of the order as dictated by Washington and its allies . The primary focus of US national security is said to have shifted from a platform focused on curbing spread of terror to one of prioritising ‘great-power competition’ with countries such as China.

Even when anti-terrorism was the central focus of the declared US defence strategy, competing against China was still seen as paramount. Successive US governments refused to extradite those Chinese nationals who were arrested by US forces in Afghan battlefields. The US government determined that honouring the wishes of detainees cleared for release was more important than letting Chinese police authorities have access to them as a means of dealing with terror in their own part of the world. Nobody in the US security establishment has explicitly said that their country differentiated acts of terror by the victims, but the message can hardly be lost on anyone.

Viewed from China, the particularities of style that come with the Trump team say very little about changes in US strategy. US security elites across the ideological spectrum have for decades argued that the pillars of recent Chinese success are made in the United States. They argue that Washington carved this path by letting China into the World Trade Organization and that it continues to facilitate China’s success by providing their navies to help keep the Indian and Pacific oceans open for shipping in and out of Chinese ports.

Washington deems these points to be facts, while Chinese security analysts often see them as opinions. Does the difference really matter? A sensible response irrespective of opinion is that neither side can afford to rock the boat. Both sides need to find ways to peacefully co-exist with one another.

The angst that the Trump team is projecting over China has a precedent in former president Reagan’s ‘city on a hill’ imagery back in the early 1980s — the bottom line being that the United States risks falling behind other nations. Thirty years ago, the United States took issue with its then main trade competitor: Japan. This included questioning Japan’s economic system and practices. It is little coincidence that a Reagan-era trade policy veteran is picked today as United States Trade Representative — Robert Lighthizer’s first major act in office is to activate ‘Super 301’ investigations against China, similar to those he launched against Japan years ago.

A more thorough line of ideological debate is at work. For many in Washington, China was meant to develop a multi-party political system in exchange for its access to the commodity and financial markets of liberal democracies. Its perceived failing to achieve this yet is the means by which the ‘free and open Indo-Pacific quadrilateral’ became attractive to some players in the region. Official Chinese ideology rejects that logic of causation. Some in China even risk overselling the purportedly unique (with an implication of superior) Chinese approach to governance.

Still, does China not have a right to choose its own path of development? So long as China is not imposing its system of governance as a precondition of aid, trade and investment — which it is not — what makes the China’s situation so unacceptable?

It should not be hard to recall the policy rhetoric in decades gone past that talked of ‘East Asian models of capitalism’ or ‘Asian values’. Such discussions came and went, mostly due to management challenges common to all economic systems. Nobody has the final say on any governance system or its keys to success.

When it comes to grand strategy, both the United States and China have built up their respective echo chambers that are comfortable to domestic constituencies. From ‘pivot’ to ‘rebalancing’ and now to ‘Indo-Pacific’, the US chamber seems to be enlarging, although still with some level of uncertainty.

At the end of the day, a civilisation becomes stronger by opening itself up to competition. This is a long-term goal. In the short term, conflict avoidance ought to prevail across the Pacific and Indian oceans. The collective wisdom emanating from the societies of Quad countries should have no problem keeping the occasional bursts of hostile rhetoric in perspective and maintaining the status quo. It goes without saying that China would have the most to lose should it mistakenly and foolishly fail to put the ongoing Quad rhetoric in proper perspective and should it fail to avoid knowingly aggravate Quad countries’ feelings of uncertainty.



发表日历:2018-01-31    著述起首:北大汇丰海上丝路联系中心微信公众平台


重要词:南海 功能性合营 渔业 民用航空





若何细目“合营—信任”等式里两者的顺位是一个难题,这可能已经卓绝了亚洲和平与息争委员会(Asian Peace and Reconciliation Council,APRC)的方针。本文的假定是,相较于信任,信心更足的参与方将更垂青合营的价值。


不错说,2010年7月在越南河内举行的第十七届东盟地区论坛外长会(ASEAN Regional Forum,ARF)促成以地缘政事为主流视角来注视南海问题。关联词从那时起,以地缘政当事者导处罚南海邦畿争端,就成了东盟主导的酬酢擂台上唯独隆起的议题。这加多了咱们对东盟健忘其促进地区得意和凝合力的根底服务的担忧。况兼,尽管2015年崇拜建立了东盟经济共同体,但自2011年以来,东亚峰会也从早期强调经济和功能性合营转向了政事与安全议题。







《南海各方行动宣言》(Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, DOC)的第六条轨则:相关各方可探讨或开展合营,主要规模为海洋环境保护、海洋科学联系、海上飞翔和交通安全、搜寻与救助,以及打击跨国犯罪——包括但不限于打击毒品私运、海盗和海上武装攫取,以及积恶军火交易。



《连合国海洋法契约》(United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,UNCLOS)要求其签约国履行开发和保护海洋和海洋相关资源的义务。扫数的国际法皆轨则,一个国度开发利用资源的权力随同合营保护和保存资源的义务。扫数南海沿岸国度皆签署了《连合国海洋法契约》,因此这些国度有法界说务寻求与其他成员国进行合营。



正如前边所不雅察到的,功能性合营有其自身的复杂性。为了使大师的建议具有可行性,认同合营价值的东说念主建议“先易后难”的运作建议。关联词,对于一方来说的“易”,对于另外一方就可能会很“难”。由此就体现出建立“亚洲和平与息争委员会”(Asia's Peace and Reconciliation Commission,APRC)这类机构和平台进行对话和征询的必要性和价值。





在南海海域,与复杂的主权主张和其他形貌的统帅权争端同期存在的是,过度捕捞,积恶、未阐发和不管制(Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated,IUU)捕捞,以及海洋生物栖息环境被阻扰的问题。尤其是IUU捕捞还给从事渔业的群体带来了相配严重的恶名,形成南海沿岸渔业收益的净弃世。




其次,连合国食粮与农业组织 (UN Food and Agriculture Organization,FAO)率领的《对于口岸国注重、制止和摈弃IUU捕捞的措施的协定》(Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing,PSM)于2016年6月启动奏效。PSM协议是打击IUU捕捞的器用,在昔日10年,使口岸国度强化管制的纷乱作用束缚突显。日益依赖口岸国来打击不可执续的捕捞行动,在很猛进程上是由于船旗国未能灵验地照看那些吊挂其国旗的渔船的捕捞功课。







岂论南海国度最终若何端正海洋界限线,民用航空安全是各方须投降的国际法律义务,恰当各方利益。航空业大师一致以为必须提高飞机追踪系统的厚实性。正如MH370事故所体现出来的,一种名为“播送式自动寂寥监视ADS-B”的飞机及时追踪开拓已存在多年, 但只须60%的商用飞机配置了这一开拓。为什么?原因是财务包袱已经不胜重任的航空行业难以承担额外的成本。非论若何,至关纷乱的是,航空公司要处罚驾驶舱追踪系统和黑匣子不错手动关闭这一技能问题。



东盟单一航空市集政策(ASEAN Single Aviation Market Policy,ASEAN-SAM)通过在单一、挽回的航空市集结尾航空服务目田化,允许东友邦家航空公司在东盟地区目田飞翔,来促进地区和国度互联互通,整合坐褥性荟萃以及提高地区贸易便利化水平。







Functional Cooperation in the South China Sea Region: a Chinese Perspective

Abstract: For the past five years or so, reference to the South China Sea (SCS) has been occupying a level of centrality in regional diplomacy that leaves many observers perplexed. The way of geopolitical rationales just does not yield positive as promised by their proponents,a turn to focus on functional cooperation may have a direct impact on dispute resolution over boundary delimitation. This article’s assumption is that participants come with a higher level of confidence in giving weight to the value of cooperation ahead that of trust. Proposing parties in the South China Sea take fisheries and civil aviation as possible “Low Hanging Fruit” areas,which makes the search for a solution less antagonistic.

Key Words: South China Sea;Functional Cooperation;Fisheries;Civil Aviation



发表日历:2018-01-25    著述起首:倾盆新闻


1 不必自乱阵地。就好意思国政府对华政策的基础性框架而言,特朗普时期莫得也不会发生变化。




2 特朗普个东说念主对于中国的表述,就是好意思国(朝野、政商)建制派、不分党派的主流精英们的不雅点。


3 好意思国行政当局的践诺力,亦然建制派的渊博关注。


4 这种践诺力,体现时对外政策上,就成了“好意思国不成输”。





5 处理好意思中双边贸易所伴生的政事挑战,好意思方既有咄咄逼东说念主的一面,也难掩黔驴之技的一面。


倘若中国主动建议“自觉出口放置”(voluntary export restraint, VER)清单, 则故意于好意思当局在其国内塑造“好意思国赢了”的政事公论,至少阶段性如斯。施行上,中国在2017年7月初汉堡G20时间就钢铁去产能所建议的决策,骨子上就是某种VER。两周后的中好意思全面经济对话上,好意思方没能安谧这一结果。







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